Adam's Adventures in Oz

The Unheroic Journey: Adam's Adventures in Oz

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Odds and Ends

So, here is a post I have been working on ever since my arrival in Australia. Over the past 3+ months whenever I have gone on trips, went out exploring, or even while I was walking to or from work, I would bring my camera with me. In doing so I have been able to catch some of the more weird, bizarre, and uniquely Australian pictures that I really couldn't fit into any of my other blogs. Below I have given you my favorites (along with my own childish and idiotic thoughts, of course.) I hope you enjoy a pictorial exploration of Australia and all its oddities and ends.

Two things about this picture. The most obvious is that in Australia, "Yield" signs, say "Give Way," (because why use one word when you can use two.) Secondly, on the above sign there is a sticker that is promoting the not-fake political party known as The Australian Sex Party. If you look close you can see that the sticker has the slogan: Australian Sex Party, Where you always come first. Yes the Aussies are not only cool enough to have an actual political party based around sex, but good humored enough to have campaign slogans like that.

In Australia, you can get any type of alcohol you want in a can. I'm talking anything from mudslides to Smirnoff to wine. Above is pictured a Jim Bean and Cola concoction. I found the can discarded on the side of the road, also proving the point that even Aussies litter.

You may be asking, "Why did Adam include a picture of a pigeon?" My answer to you is, "Everywhere you go in Melbourne, there are birds indoors." I wish i was exaggerating. Go to the malls, the stores, the bus stations, the airports, etc. There are always birds flying around and walking around in doors. As you can notice I took this picture of this wiley pigeon underneath the table at the food court of a small shopping plaza.

And you thought American Gas Prices were high. (be aware its in liters and not gallons.)

Pictured above is a modern Aussie Urinal. Yes, gentlemen, no separate urinal stalls for our Aussie cousins. They much prefer to all pee against a metal wall over a grated trench, like its the 1950's (which in parts of Australia it still is.) Also there is no way to flush it. The water just drains and sometimes fresh water circulates down the wall.

Above are two of the more colorful warning signs I have come across in my travels across Australia (and I have come across a lot.) The sign on the left is for Bells Beach and it warns of such mundane dangers as: Dangerous Currents, High Surf, Submerged Objects, and Slippery Rocks. The sign on the right warns of dangers I can't even be sure of, but they all look excruciatingly bad. As you can see the Aussies do not skimp in their portrayals of violent stick figure death.

Beware of the "Aged." They are coming to get you. (Secondly, which person portrayed in this sign is considered to be the elderly person? I would have at least given one of them a cane or something.)

There is one thing I have found about Australia, no one in this country is equipped to handle even the smallest amount of rain. Buses stop, trains shut-down, and people put their lives on hold for even small downpours. The sign above is for a Thai Massage Parlor. The only reason I really included this picture is because of the very small middle line on the sign. For anyone who can't see it, it says: Closed due to flood damage, (But still love you long time!). Aussies really have very good sense of humors, or there is something going on in these Thai massage parlors that someone should investigate.

I have no words to really describe this statue. To be entirely clear, it is a statue of a naked man falling backward, possibly attempting to hit a volleyball. I sometimes get the feeling that the Aussies just have statues because they think they should. Someone along the line went, "Ah screw it, let's just go with the falling naked man statue. Its good enough." To further illustrate my point, this statue is not located in an obscure municipal park, but  in one of the largest parks along St. Kilda Road, which is one of the main streets right near the center of the city.

Let's just say Aussies, really know how to throw a party.

Its good to see that Xavier is branching out overseas. I pass by this school everyday, they seem normal enough... except for the kid that was blue. 

In Australia, the guy who directed the Lord of the Rings Trilogy has his own brand of cigarettes.

I swear to God, the Aussies put Ham in everything.

Really, I just like this sign because in my own warped mind it says This Way to Noobies Centre. (Sorry, video game humor)

I have no idea what this sign is telling me to do. The best I got is: Place car on lift at 20 kmh, then raise into the sky... then drive off.

Truthfully, this is a very nice (working) lawn clock found in the center of Melbourne. I actually think it is very beautiful. The only odd thing about it, is that it remains un-vandalized. You know that if this was in America, the clock would perpetually be set to 4:20.

This is the entrance way to some one's house. You can't really tell from the picture, but the hole that you need to walk through, is very very tiny. Standing next to it, the top of opening was barely at my chest. Whoever lives here must truly be a Hobbit.

Above, two very common types of cars I see on the road in Australia. To me, the yellow van on the left proves that the Aussies are not as far removed from their British forefathers as they like to think. The blue care on the right, however, is a distinctly Australian car. It is called an Ute (oot). It is a coupe utility vehicle. More specifically the car is a Holden 2006 VZ Ute Thunder. It is very popular with teenagers and college-age kids. Whenever you see them on the road they are usually "tricked-out" with spinners, lights, and crazy paint jobs. (Because who wouldn't want a car that sits two people and only holds half the capacity of a pick-up truck?)

Lastly, the sign should say Duck Reach Walk, thus proving that, (like in America,) there are people in Australia who think they are hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea how I ended up here after falling down Google black hole looking for images of statues of Richard lll in Melbourne! Anyway, I just thought I'd point out that your 'falling over backwards volleyball player' statue is actually a 'spinning around hammer thrower'! When I was a kid in the 70s he actually did have a hammer (the athletics type, more a ball on a steel cable) which followed out from the angle of his arms. People kept climbing him and breaking it off so the council stopped replacing it.

    On with the King Richard search now.
